Honda HRX 476 QY 19" Self-Propelled Rear Roller Petrol Lawn Mower

Honda HRX 476 QY 19" Self-Propelled Rear Roller Petrol Lawn Mower

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The HRX476QY, part of Honda’s Core range, is an evolution of the HRX476QX and is fitted with Honda's innovative new GCVX170 167cc OHV Engine. This engine is smaller, lighter with less moving parts than its predecessor.  

With a cutting deck of 19" (approx. 47cm) the HRX476QY is perfect for lawns up to about the size of a tennis court.

The HRX476QY is self-propelled with the drive provided by the steel rear roller. As well as propelling the mower forward, the roller applies a stripe effect to your lawn and, just as importantly, allows you to mow up to the edge of the lawn without the danger of dropping the rear wheel into the border and scalping the grass.

Power Details OHC 4-stroke Honda GCXV170 167cc / 3.6Kw @3600rpm
Engine make Honda
Transmission Single speed
Starting Method Recoil
Design Rear Roller
Cutter Deck Polymer
Cutting Width 48 cm
Cutting Heights 19 - 58 mm
Number Cutting Heights 5
Propulsion Self-Propelled
Collector 73 litres